less waste, less worries

zero waste and minimalism

German Translations


trash free
trash free
plastic free
plastic free
Without strawplease.
No straw please.
OhneServiette bitte.

Without napkinplease.
No napkin please.
Ohne Verpackungbitte.
Withoutpackaging please.
No packaging please.
Ichbrauchekeine Tüte
I need 1 p.s. presentnobag.
I don't need a bag.
Wherecan 1 p.s. presentIhereunpackagedshop 1 p.s.?
Where can I shop in bulk here?
Wokannich hier meine Wasserflascheauffüllen?
Wherecan 1 p.s. presentIheremywater bottlerefill?
Where can I refill my water bottle here?
(MachenSiees)bitte direktin meinen Becher /meinen Beutel.
Put imperativeyou politeit neutr.pleasedirectlyintomy cup /my bag.
(Please put it) directly into my cup / my bag.
(Machen Siees )bittedirektinmeine Dose.
Put imperativeyou politeit neutr.pleasedirectlyintomy container.
(Please put it) directly into my container.
KönnenSiebittezuerstdas Taragewichtbestimmen?
Couldyou politepleasefirstthe fem.tara weightdetermine?
Could you please tare the container first?